
- 48khz / 24bit Stereo audio
- Max Loop size: 43 seconds
- 2 Selectable Line / Mic Input
- Pulse Sync Out, adjustable PPQ
- Expression pedal Input with 3 dedicated modes
- 9 assignable switches (5 footswitch + 4 tactswitch) can be individually set to toggle or sustain
- Switch configurations are stored in 99 GAMES (50 factory, 49 user).
- Classic EDP* Functions: Record, Overdub, Replace, Multiply, Insert, Stack, Trig, Mute, Start.
- New Functions such as Instut, Revins
- Up to 127 levels of Undo.
- ReadFX: Pitch, Savarts, Glide, Reverse, Stutter, Drift, Auto-Follow, Habit, Rabit, LFO
- Adjustable High Pass and Low Pass filters in the feedback loop.
- Adjustable Quantization of Functions and ReadFX.
- Unique SCROLL function lets you move the playback loop around in the memory.
- Record, /B, /Q, Record BPM (preset tempo): Record a first loop
- Overdub, /B, /Q: Add layers to your loop
- Replace, /B, /Q: Replace part (or all) of your loop
- Substitute, /B, /Q: Same as Replace except that new material is played on the following cycle
- Insert, /B, /Q: Lengthen your loop by inserting new material
- Instut, /B, /Q: Copy part of your loop and instantly insert it
- Revins, /B, /Q: Lengthen your loop by copying a reversed part of the loop
- Multiply, /R*, /B, /Q: Change loop length (shorter or longer) by multiplying it while overdubbing
- Stack, /R, /B, /Q: Spread your overdubs out over several cycles
- HalfDub, /B, /Q: Add layers to your loop while running at half-speed.
- Mute, /B, /Q: Mute audio output (sync out still runs)
- Trig, /Q: Trigger loop from the start point
- Undo: Erase the latest function, (up to 127 levels)
- Reset: Puts loupé in ready state, to start a new loop from scratch
- Scroll: Shift the loop-window back and forth in increments from whole to sixteenth notes
- Toggle/Sustain: Set switch behaviour
- Dry/Wet: Set the volume balance of the effect in relation to the dry sound (10/0 to 0/10)
- Feedback: ReadFX can be fed into the feedback path letting you record the result (0 to 10)
- Pitch: Change playback speed in semitones (-12 to +12)
- Savarts: Change playback speed in microtonal intervals (-24 to +24)
- Glide: Set the time it takes to reach a new pitch value.
- Reverse: Read loop backwards. Either stay in the loop or use infinite mode
- Stutter: Create mini-loops of rhythmic* length or micro loops at pitch intervals (E1-E4)
- Auto-Follow: Automatically retrigger Pitch, Stutter and Reverse at rhythmic* intervals
- Drift: Set speed at which Stutter-loop start-point shifts over time, either backwards or forwards
- Habit: Time Offset counted in Bars multiple
- Rabit: Time Offset < 1 Bar
- LFO: 100 different 16-step sequences, rate can be set as a rhythmic subdivision (x16 to /192), unsynchronized speed values in Hz, or audio frequencies
- Redux: Change the playback sample rate for a lo-fi sound
- Loupé has 99 memory slots (50 factory, 49 user) called Games.
- Each Game contains a switch configuration and global parameter settings.
- The five footswitches on the pedal correspond to the five LEDS which are the basic looping functions.
- These are labelled on the pedal. However, any function can be assigned to any switch (footswitch or tactswitch) in either toggle or sustain mode and be stored in a Game in one of the 49 user slots.
- Games can be copied from one slot to another, allowing you to create Game variants for dope live performance.
- QuantDiv: Set the Quantize-Clock (1, 2, 4, 8, 16)
- Sync: Set Pulse Per Quarter note output (off, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 48)
- ScrollDiv: Set the increment of loop-window shifting (1, 2, 4, 8, 16)
- LPF: Low-pass filter (20hz – 5khz)
- HPF: High-pass filter (500hz – 24khz)
- ForceDry: Distinct mode suited to looping with continuous sources (radio, video…)
- Exp: Choose between three modes for the expression pedal (Feedback, Swell1, Swell2)
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is a collection of 100 different 16-step sequences. The number of steps can be changed, as can the step which the LFO starts on.
The LFO rate can be set as a rhythmic subdivision (x16 to /192), unsynchronized speed values in Hz, or audio frequencies which produce distinct musical pitches.
controls how quickly the Loupe moves from one pitch to another. With Glide at 0, the pitch change is immediate.
With a value above 0, Glide introduces an audible shifting/sliding between pitches, rather than an instant transition. The higher the Glide value, the longer it takes to transition from one pitch to another.
cuts the loop playback to half speed and enables overdubbing.
Pressing HalfDub a second time closes Overdub, and returns to regular speed.
Any overdubs made in half speed will play back one octave higher/twice as fast.
at first listen, seems to behave like a normal Reverse effect: press it once, and the loop plays backwards. Press it a second time, and it plays forwards again.
But Revins actually records the entire “play in reverse, then play forwards again” process, up to the point where the effect was initially engaged, and then inserts that recording into the loop.
Habit & Rabit
deal with moving the Loupe’s “play head” to different parts of the loop. When engaged, they offset the playhead by specific, fixed amounts, and maintain that offset until the effect is turned off.
With Habit, this manifests as moving back to specific points in the loop’s memory.
With Rabit, the entire loop is displaced by a particular rhythmic value.
Scroll /B /Q
quantizes each turn of the Scroll encoder, so that playback windows change at rhythmically precise values.
Record /B /Q
are ways of leaving a current loop and immediately recording a new loop, while retaining the length/timing of the previous loop.